About Me

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I am a very weird fourteen year old. I am buggy at the moment... I have Lyme disease and co-infections but am in treatment. It is way past sucky, but I am getting through it. Music helps a bunch. I hope to "grow up" to be a performer of some kind and/or a diagnostician specializing in infectious disease (hmmm I wonder why... lol). My obsession with the arts shows no sign of slowing, and I don't want it to... Oh I also sign everything with a heart... but some sights *cough* blogger, will not let me...

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lie On The Bridge

This is a poem I wrote a few months ago... My best yet, but belive it or not it was the first I wrote for fun. When you don't do art for fun, and there is no freedom, it won't be as good as when there is. Paint by numbers, is like life by numbers. And we all know life does not go as planned, however hard we try to make it.

Lie On the Bridge

Lie on the bridge,
As a car in traffic,
As a fisherman waiting for his prey,
As a photographer watching the sun set to insure the best shot,
Lie on the bridge,

Wait for the urge to squirm,
To go back,
Or to go forward,

Wait for the spirit of life to push you toward the future,
Toward the life you have always envisioned,

Feel the splinters enter your flesh,
Feel the knots in the wood that the carpenter failed to sand down,
Push through the pain and discomfort,
As you inch like an inchworm,

Toward serenity,
Toward inner peace,
Toward total centeredness,

Move to the sun,
The giver of life,
Move not to the nick in the road,
In which you have already wasted enough time in,
Move to the light,

Envision happiness,
Focus on hope,
Fade out the feelings of being stuck,
Fade out the feelings of being in a rut that you will eventually die in,
That you will decompose in and the rut that will be filled with soil,

Inch like an inchworm,
Squirm like an insect under a little boy’s magnifying glass,
Fight the inner pressure to give up,

Feel the sun,
Feel the life,
Feel your spirit,
Feel your body’s will to keep fighting,

Envision in mental and physical health,
Be re-born.

Lie on the Bridge.

Welcome To the Wonderful World Of Grr Girl

I am a person with tons of interests, and tons of pet peeves. You will be hearing about all of them here, and maybe a couple of my very very un well known You tube videos here... Lots of awesome bands, and poems, or little poem tid bits. Words to live by, you decide, but this is my place to express, so read or don't your choice... <3